Supplement, December 2022

THE EOA JOURNAL is now published by the famous international publisher  “Lippincott Williams & Wilkins” and is now published online at this link:

Table of content

Table of content

Comparative study of using a surgical drain versus no drain after primary total knee replacement

Khalid Khamis Kamr El-Dawla, MBBCh; Mohamed Elsawy Habib, MD; Sameh Mohamed Marei, MD and Ahmed Ali Ebied, MD
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Outcomes of Conversion from Failed Hemiarthroplasty to ‎Total Hip Arthroplasty‎

Ayman Mohamed Ebied, MD; Adel Ibrahim El Seedy, MD; Ahmed Ali ‎Ebied, MD and Mohamed Gamal Eldien Zaky, MBBCh‎
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Comparative study between kapandji technique and conventional ‎percutaneous k-wiring fixation in distal radius fractures

Mohamed Nabil Hassona, MD; Sherif Mohamed Sokar, MD; Mohamed Elsayed ‎Mansy, MBBCh and Sam Samir Samaan, MD‎
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Functional outcome of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair in manual ‎workers

Mustafa Mohamed Mesriga, MD; Mohamed Abdelazim Soliman Mohamed, MBBCh; ‎ELsayed Morsi ZakI, MD and Mohamed Ahmed Fayek, MD
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Intramedullary Nailing versus Dynamic Screw and Plate for Treatment ‎of Trochanteric Fractures of the Femur‎

Ahmed Mohamed Morsi, MD; Mohammed Mohammed Hafez Eltawila, MBBCh and ‎Zakaria Hassan Ibrahim Abuelghait, MD‎
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Evaluation of Critical Shoulder Angle before and after Acromioplasty

Mohamed Ashraf Abodawod, MBBCh; Taher Abdelsatar Eid, MD; ‎ Amro Saber Elsayed, MD and Mustafa Mohamed Mesriga, MD‎
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Achilles Tendon Turndown with Flexor Hallucis Longus Transfer for ‎Management of Neglected Insertional Rupture of Tendoachilles

Ahmed Abdelazim Abosalem, MD and Ahmed Naser Elbarbary, MD
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Treatment of dorsal fracture dislocation of proximal interphalangeal ‎joint by open reduction and internal fixation using titanium anchor: ‎Novel technique

Ahmed Abdelazim Abosalem. MD and Ahmed Naser Elbarbary, MD.‎
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